How to protect your eyes when using a computer

How to protect your eyes when using a computer

As a social media user & blogger I spend around 13-16 hrs a day in front of my laptop. Now a days many people work on computer usually for long hours but its the demand of the profession. There are many health issues that arise while working for long hours like muscle and joint pain, dryness of eyes, injuries on upper limbs etc. injuries on upper limbs There are some injuries that are related to our sitting posture like back pain, neck pain and eyestrain are most common injuries. However, these injuries or health problems can be eliminated by paying attention to the sitting posture while working on computer or laptop.

 I would like to share this article about “Exercises of back while working at computer” Top 10 injuries while working on computer Headache Back pain Neck pain Eyestrain Backache Arms and limbs injuries Stiffness of muscles Joint pain Eye fatigue Depression Posture related injuries and precautions Posture related injuries occur due to sitting for long hours on computer e.g shoulder & arm pain, headache, back & neck pain. These are the results of bad sitting posture. Nowadays many companies pay attention to give breaks to their employees at regular intervals so that they can stretch and take a walk, take their eyes from constant use of computer and if possible do some stretching exercises too. If you are also working for long hours on computer or laptop, you need small but regular breaks that will help you. Take a walk to the coffeemaker, get yourself a cup of coffee and give your eyes some rest from the computer glare while you sip your coffee. Also while sitting on the computer make sure your desk is adjustable so that you can keep the monitor at your eye level or where you feel comfortable. Your chair should be at such a height that your feet rest on the floor. How to Sit On Computer Pains due to overuse of limbs and precautions to avoid them Some injuries like back, neck, shoulder and arm pain occur due to improper level of your hands while working on computer. Here are some tips that can be taken into account, by this you can minimize pain. Type gently and keep your mouse at the same level of your keyboard. Don’t type constantly, take breaks and rest of the time can be consumed in other activities so that wrist and hands can get some rest. Just pay attention to your health and you can do it without hampering your work progress as well. Eyestrain – How you can lessen it Eyes are almost constantly focused on the computer and it is obvious that you feel the fatigue.

Not only this, there are other problems that are associated like itching, irritation and fluffiness around the eyes due to overworking. You can minimize all these problems if you keep your eyes off every 20 – 25 minutes. You can purposely blink your eyes 10 – 15 times when you take your eyes off. This will help in stimulate the moisture inside your eyes and will reduce dryness further reducing the irritation and itching. If you are suffering from severe injury or pain, you need to consult your doctor and physiotherapist. If you have not yet experienced any of the injuries, you can start paying attention to the tips mentioned in the article. This will help you in avoiding the injuries and problems. Also, if you use a laptop for your work, it may cause more discomfort and injuries. This is because laptop was designed to work for limited use and if you use it for long hours; you will definitely suffer from discomfort resulting in injuries.

Here are the ways to protect yourself from the harms:

1. Take a few minutes away from your computer, better yet your desk each hour.
2. If you can’t leave your desk, lean back, close your eyes and relax.
3. Segment auxiliary work tasks; use them to break up otherwise lengthy computer sessions.
4. Quickly revive yourself with a few easy stretches. 
5. Overhead lighting and bright light emanating from behind your monitor are tough on the eyes. If you have the option, use table lamps off to either side of your work area. Your monitor throws its own light, so you really only need adequate indirect light around you.
6. If you are close to a sunny window, close or adjust the blinds so light does not fall directly onto your monitor.
7. Avoid working in a dark room. If you must work in near dark conditions, try dimming the brightness of your monitor screen. It will allow you to work reasonably comfortably for maybe an hour or so, but at some point your eyes will certainly feel the strain.
8. If you really mean to kick computer eye strain and want to properly light your home or office workspace, shop specifically for high-quality task lights that not only throw a measured degree and quality of light, but also reduce glare. 
9. Natural plants in your workspace can increase humidity as well as control dust and other irritating particles.
10. Over the counter natural tear products are useful to relieve dry eyes, a main complaint among heavy computer users.


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